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A Message From the Treasurer:


Growing up with an Aunt who was disabled was an eye opener on how much I truly enjoy helping others and being able to make a difference in someone else’s life by simply just being there. My aunt was paralyzed on her entire right side which made it difficult to do things for herself. Me being a child growing up in the same house I was able to see the difficulty of doing everyday activities. As an adult it makes me feel so warm and happy inside to be able to give back the love and help with things that could be challenging for others to do themselves. I also assisted in taking care of my grandmother in her last couple of months living. I helped bathe her and change her diapers. Its not the easiest position or the cleanest but someone has to do it and It makes me feel appreciated to be able to help. Most days we as humans take a lot of things for granted but I believe to be able to help others is truly a blessing itself so being a part of The Cottage Adult Day Service and The Cottage Bridge Foundation is definitely in my purpose of life and I give all Thanks to God for allowing me to do so.


-Tiffany Touwsma


Address: 3725 Zoar Road.

Snellville, Ga. 30039

Phone: (470) 375-5935

Fax: (470) 223 - 3198


The Cottage Bridge Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. 

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