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A Message From the President:

Special needs has led my family and I on a winding journey. It began with my brother Gregory, having been born with special needs.  As Gregory has grown from a very active boy into a handsome young man, the same can be said of our foundation. It is surreal to think that The Cottage Bridge Foundation (TCBF) started with two adults, and two families and one committed Arts & Crafts Director, Mrs.Virginia Jones-Snow retired Nurse. Today, we're a thriving foundation with a purpose.


Since opening our doors, The Cottage Adult Day Service, Inc. back in December 17, 2013 it  has been developed by the joint efforts of a diverse group of families and professionals who are able to network with one another to develop programs that directly support our foundation. TCBF  operates under an “Integrative Model” and is open to any individual who has a Intellectual Disabilities, Alzheimer's, Dementia, or brain injury . TCBF  has a variety of classrooms to meet the needs of each individual. These varied programs allow for the successful development of individuals  and ensures a comfortable transition from our new learners to advances learners to  adults transitioning into the work force. 


One of my favorite small books is titled “When the Last Acorn is found” by Deborah Latzke. 


I read this book and have always remembered the story about how a small and insignificant acorn can grow into such a beautiful and strong oak tree. 


The thought is that without exception, we each can make a difference. In learning to make positive choices that are wise and loving, we create positive changes that are powerful and lasting. The impact of those choices and changes is felt, not only in our own lives, but within our families, our communities and the world in which we live.


In closing, here’s to having an acorn day EVERY DAY here at The Cottage Bridge Foundation… a place where relationships are formed and lives are truly changed.


-Alejandra K. Lackhan

  Founder & President

  Gregory's Sister

Address: 3725 Zoar Road.

Snellville, Ga. 30039

Phone: (470) 375-5935

Fax: (470) 223 - 3198


The Cottage Bridge Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law. 

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